
A European Solution to the Eurozone's Problem

Eurasia News

Written by George Soros is Chairman of Soros Fund Management and Chairman of the Open Society Foundations. A pioneer of the ...

A European Solution to the Eurozone’s Problem

Eurasia News

Written by George Soros is Chairman of Soros Fund Management and Chairman of the Open Society Foundations. A pioneer of the ...

Putin revived classic Преображенский Regiment

Eurasia News

Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On awarding 154-th separate commandant regiment honorary title.” The regiment traces roots to ...

Suicide car bomb attack kills 15 and leaves several injured at Central Damascus

Eurasia News

At least 15 people have been killed and over 50 wounded in car-bomb explosion in central Damascus, according to medical ...

IKEA recalls 17 million servings of lasagna as pork traces found

Eurasia News

Brussels:  Responding strong reaction and outcry from Jewish community, new lasagne has been taken away from market as it has ...