
Aung San Suu Kyi has reappointed as party leader

Eurasia News

Aung San Suu Kyi has reappointed as party leader for elections due in 2015. She entered parliament last year and ...

A Russian helicopter disappears and found later

Eurasia News

Moscow: The Russian Mi-8 helicopter belonging to the UTair airline which disappeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been ...

Мимо Земли пролетел астероид размером с городской квартал

Eurasia News

Мимо Земли пролетел астероид размером с городской квартал В субботу, 9 марта достаточно близко от Земли пролетел крупный астероид. Специалисты ...

Hugo Chavez death: Venezuelan Presidential election on April 14

Eurasia News

CARACAS: Venezuela will hold a presidential election on April 14, officials said on Saturday, as acting President Nicolas Maduro tries ...

Hugo Rafael Chávez: Death of a political Ideology

Eurasia News

Late President of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chávez was born on 28 July 1954 and died at the age of 58 ...