
Iran asks Pakistan to accelerate gas pipeline project

Eurasia News

Islamabad: Pakistan should accelerate the gas pipeline project with Iran or the latter would impose financial punishments on Islamabad, an ...

UN chief slams deadly attacks in Pakistan

Eurasia News

United Nations: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned the terror attack in Pakistan that left 20 people dead, saying “no ...

5-yr-old girl gang-raped in Gurgaon, critical

Eurasia News

Gurgaon, India: The condition of five-year-old gang-rape victim is stated to be critical as she continues to battle for her ...

48 peacocks die in nine days in Tharparkar

Eurasia News

Tharparker (Sindh) Pakistan:: At least two more peacocks have died due to a contagious disease as the death toll has ...

Благодаря высокой рождаемости в неблагополучных и развивающихся странах численность населения Земли продолжает расти

Eurasia News

Благодаря высокой рождаемости в неблагополучных и развивающихся странах численность населения Земли продолжает расти. По прогнозам ООН, население Земли к 2025 ...