Yanukovich “defeated revolution” with democracy: Ukrainian parliament passes laws for imposing fines and imprisonment for unauthorized demonstrations

Eurasia News

Kiev: Ukrainian parliament passes laws for imposing fines and imprisonment for unauthorized demonstrations.

The legislation requires signature from the President Yanukovich for becoming law. Legislation proposes that all internet-based media must register with authorities and envisions passport information being provided for sales of pre-paid mobile phones. Political observer of Eastern Europe are of the view that President Yanukovich who is considered as a stupid person by western media played tactfully and he “defeated so-called revolution with democracy”. In a democratic era, change is only possible through Parliament. This is what Yanukovich is doing.

Pro-Yanukovich MPs adopted 11 new laws. In an apparent attempt to intimidate demonstrators who have taken their protests via vehicle convoys to the homes of President Yanukovich and other senior officials, another law adopted on Thursday prohibits more than five cars from driving in groups. Violators will have their driving licences suspended for up to two years. The legislation also simplifies the process of stripping immunity of Member of Parliament. The opposition claims it is aimed at sidelining legislators who back the protests by tying them up in criminal proceedings. US and EU ambassadors to Kiev are of the view that such legislature has no legitimacy.