Two ASWJ activists killed in Karachi

Eurasia News

Two ASWJ activists killed in Karachi

KARACHI: Two legal advisers to the Ahle-e-Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ), Mohammad Ali and Mohammad Noman,  were shot dead  while another two men were killed in a separate incident as target killings resurfaced in the city on Tuesday, Dispatch News Desk (DND) reported.

Sources privy to the investigation told Dispatch News Desk (DND) that the victims were assistants of slain ASWJ legal adviser Maqbool-ur-Rehman, who had been targeted on January 11.

Rehman had been pursuing cases of banned Sipah-e-Sahaba activists and a number of missing persons. He had also filed suits against law enforcers over various offences. Following the ASWJ legal adviser’s death, the same cases were being handled by Ali and Noman.