Turkish media praises ISIL, condemns YPG

Eurasia News

Monitoring Desk: Pro-government media published similar headlines on Friday, praising the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) and chastising the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) after several high Justice and Development Party (AK Party) officials made statements demonizing the latter, reports Today;s Zaman newspaer from Turkey.


It may be mentioned that Turkey is keeping its borders to Syria for Jihadis to reach Syria to join ISIS/ISIL and European Jihadis are taking Jihadi trail from Turkey to Syria to join ISIS. This week, 3 British mothers who are real sisters along with their 9 children have been disappeared after reaching Turkey from Saudi Arabia. There are fears that they have already crossed Turkey-Syrian border to join ISIS because their one brother is already fighting at ISIS foot soldier since two years and he entered Syria and joined ISIS by crossing Turkish–Syrians border.

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Newspaper reported that People’s Democracy Party (HDP) deputy İdris Baluken tweeted on Friday that the mindset of Sabah was as dangerous as ISIL’s, adding to his tweet the hashtag #WereAllPYD in support of the Kurdish militant group. Another Twitter user, Mehmet Altan fan page dedicated to the professor of economics at Istanbul University, wrote that the “pool media” was advertising ISIL which “beheads people, burns people [alive], rapes and sells women [into slavery].”

“Daesh attacks and kills those it captures. The PYD/PKK seize certain regions and force people living there to migrate,” Çavuşoğlu told Turkish state broadcaster TRT recently. “It doesn’t matter who comes; the regime, Daesh, the PYD, they are all persecuting civilians,” he said.

Also Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç has said that Turkey sees signs of ethnic cleansing by both Kurdish and Islamic militant groups as they fight for control of parts of northern Syria.”We see that there are signs pointing towards a kind of ethnic cleansing,” Arinc told reporters at a press conference following a Cabinet meeting late on Monday, identifying those involved as both the Kurdish YPG forces and ISIL.

Read detail article at Today;s Zaman to click this link