Tashkent will host International Tourism Fair “World Vacation 2015”

Eurasia News

Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Tashkent will host International Uzbek Tourism Fair “World Vacation 2015” on 27-28 April. 

Tashkent, International Tourism Fair "World Vacation 2015"

The program of events includes International scientific and practical conference UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) on “Prospects for the development of gastronomic tourism in Uzbekistan”. 

Within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Conference UNWTO experts will discuss new opportunities for the development of gastronomic tourism in Uzbekistan. 

To register for the conference, the International Scientific and Practical Conference UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) on “Prospects for the development of gastronomic tourism in Uzbekistan” within the framework of the exhibition “World Vacation 2015” should be in time until April 25.


AGENDA of International conference “Prospects of development of gastronomic tourism in Uzbekistan”.


Venue:                             Conference hall, National Exhibition Center “Uzexpocentre”

Opening:  11.30, April 27, 2015.

11.30            –     Welcoming speech of the Chairman of NC “Uzbektourism” Farrukh Rizaev


11.40            –     Intervention of Dmitriy Ilin, Technical Coordinator, UNWTO Affiliate Members Programme on “The UNWTO global network on gastronomic tourism”


11.50            –     Presentation by Raul Garcia Lopez, UNWTO expert on “International Experience on gastronomic tourism development”


12.20            –     Panel discussions


12.30 –12.45         –     Presentation by Marusugi Shigeo, JICA volunteer on “Gastronomic tourism in Japan”


12.45 –13.00         –     Presentation by Anvar Allaberganov, the Director of the International center of the Uzbek culinary art under Uzbekistan Chiefs Association on “The role of educational institutions in development of gastronomic tourism in Uzbekistan”


13.00 –13.10         –     Presentation by Dr. Obidjon Khamidov,  Head of “Service” (Tourism and Hospitality) Chair of Tashkent State University of Economics on “Ensuring of food safety for tourists” 

13.10 –13.20         –     Panel discussions

13.20 –13.25         –     Conference summary

13.30            –     Closing of the conference

Simultaneous translation from English into Russian will be available.


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