Tajik government banned 13 books of Salafism

Eurasia News

Tajik government banned 13 books of Salafism

Dushanbe, Tajikistan: The Interior Ministry of Tajikistan has banned 13 booklets and books promoting ideas of Salafi school of though of Islam.Salafi group and Salafi Islam was banned in Tajikistan by its supreme court in December 2014.

The Interior Ministry of Tajikistan put the list of banned literature on its website as these books are propagating ideas of the outlawed Salafi group. All books that have been banned were originally published in Middle East.

13 books that have been banned are:

1. Sharhu Fazli-l-Islam li Shaikhi-l-Islam Mohammad bin Abdulvahhab at-Tamin by Saleh bin Abdul-Aziz bin Mohammad Al ash-Sheikh;
2. Sharhu Lam’atu-l-Etiqadal-Hadi ila Sabili-r-Rashad li-l-Imam Muvaffaqaddin ibn Qaddoma al-Maqdisi by Muhammad bin Shalih bin Muhammad bin Utsaimin;
3. Favaqiru-l-Izab fi Mu’taqad ash-Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdulvahhab by Mohammad bin Nasir bin Osman Mu’mir;
4. Al Juhudu-l-Hadisiya by Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz;
5. Al-Ilokatu Baina-t-Tashayu’u va Tasavvuf by Falah ibn Ismail al Mandakar;
6. Sharhu Muqaddima fi Usuli-t-Tafsir li Ibn Taymiya by Musaid bin Sulayman ibn Nasir at-Tayar;
7. Al Aliu-l-Bahiyati fi Sharhi-l-Aqidati-l-Vasitaya li Ibn Taymiya by Saleh bin Abdul-Azizi bin Mohammad bin Ibrahim Al ash-Sheikh;
8. Al-Majmuatu-l-Oliya by Ibn Taymiya;
9. Kitabu-l-Iman by Abu Ubaid al-Qasim ibn Salam;
10. Fazlu Ilmi-s-Salaf ala Ilmi-Khalaf by Abdul Qasim Abdul Azim;
11. Favaidu mina-t-Tafsir by Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz;
12. Taysiru-l-Ilah by Ubaid bin Abdullah bin Suleyman al-Jabiri;
13. Al-Usulu min Ilmi-l-Usul Risala Mukhtasara fi Usuli-lFiqh by Muhammad bin Shalih bin Muhammad bin Utsaimin.

The Tajik government banned Salafism as an illegal group on January 8, 2009, saying the Salafi movement represents a potential threat to national security and the Supreme Court added Salafists to its list of religious groups prohibited from operating in the country.

Salafism came to Tajkistan during civil war through Arab, Afghan and Pakistani fighters. The movement claims to follow a strict and pure form of Islam, but Tajik clerics say the Salafists’ radical stance is similar to that of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Salafists do not recognize other branches of Islam, such as Shi’a and Sufism. The movement is frequently referred to as Wahhabism, although Salafists reject this as derogatory.

TalibTajik government banned 13 books of Salafisman trying to enter Tajikistan from bordering Kunduz

Salafism and Wahabism promote killing of non-Muslims and those Muslims who are not follower of Salafisim. Salafi teaching promote Jihad against government and creating an Islamic state on the model of Saudi Arabia.

The overwhelming majority of Tajiks are followers of Hanafia, a more liberal branch of Sunni Islam.

On December 8, 2014, the Supreme Court of Tajikistan formally labeled the banned Salafi group as an extremist organization. The ruling reportedly followed a request submitted to the court by the Prosecutor-General’s Office. The ruling means that the group’s website and printed materials are also banned.