Shia massacre going on: —This time not in desert of Karbala but in Rawalpindi

Eurasia News

Hassan Mujtaba

Islamabad: Punjab government has imposed a curfew in of Rawalpindi after sectarian clashes erupted in city. Curfew is imposed on the request of Commissioner of Rawalpindi Division while Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has taken a notice of the incident and asked the City Commissioner and RPO Rawalpindi to submit report. Curfew has imposed in Rawalpindi as there are information available with intelligence agencies that taliban are reaching Rawalpindi to strike against Shias who attacked Deband religious school that has close link with taliban leadership, claim sources.

Mobile Service will remain closed in Rawalpindi for next 2 days. Army reaches Raja Bazar. Curfew may be announced soon in Rawalpindi. JUI chief Mualana Fazlur Rehman has demanded security to take JUI members out of Darul Aloom Madrisah from where some people allegedly opened fire on Shia procession.  Shia community in Pakistan claims that JUI has been involved directly or indirectly killing shias in Pakistan as Deoband sect considers shia kafir. However JUI has been in power with all political parties in past since 1977 therefore no action has ever been taken against its activities. meanwhile JUI denies all these allegations.

It may be mentioned that 12 persons were killed while more than 37 others sustained injuries as chaos and violence erupted in Raja Bazar located in Rawalpindi on Friday evening after unknown miscreants opened gunfire near the doorway of a central procession of the 10th Muharram, police sources said.

The sources said that unknown miscreants opened gunfire near Raja Bazar’s Fawara Chowk at which a wave of anger gripped the people and they set some shops in the cloth market on fire after demolishing them. Provoked people also snatched arms from duty policemen.

The situation prompted the authorities to call army to control the situation. While fire tenders were also called by the authorities to extinguish the fire.


curfew in rawalpindi

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