Saudi King will visit Russia soon

Eurasia News

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Saudi King will visit Russia soon

Saudi King will visit Russia soon Moscow, Russia: Saudi King Salmān bin Abdulaziz bin Āl Saud has accepted the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Kremlin and he will soon visit Russia. The invitation was expended by Putin to him during their recent telephonic confirmation. The announcement for his visit was made by Deputy Crown Prince, Defence Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud during his meeting with President Putin in Saint Petersburg. Defence Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud also deliver invitation of King to Putin to Saudi Arabia that was accepted by President Putin. According to Russian President Office statement Deputy Crown Prince, Defence Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud and President Vladimir Putin met on the sidelines of the 19th St Petersburg International Economic Forum. Saudi Defence Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud was of the view that Saudi Arabia would never forget that Russia was the foreign state to recognise Saudi Arabia in 1926 therefore both countries will work to develop bilateral relations in all areas including trade and defence affairs.
Deputy Crown Prince, Defence Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud meeting President Putin in Saint Petersburg.

Moscow, Russia: Saudi King Salmān bin Abdulaziz bin Āl Saud has accepted the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Kremlin and he will soon visit Russia.

The invitation was expended by Putin to him during their recent telephonic confirmation. The announcement for his visit was made by Deputy Crown Prince, Defence Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud during his meeting with President Putin in Saint Petersburg.

Defence Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud also deliver invitation of King to Putin to Saudi Arabia that was accepted by President Putin.

According to Russian President Office statement Deputy Crown Prince, Defence Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud and President Vladimir Putin met on the sidelines of the 19th St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Saudi Defence Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud was of the view that Saudi Arabia would never forget that Russia was the foreign state to recognise Saudi Arabia in 1926 therefore both countries will work to develop bilateral relations in all areas including trade and defence affairs.