
Guantanamo detainees humiliating body search

Eurasia News

In a letter sent to British foreign secretary William Hague, a prominent human rights lawyer is alleging that Guantanamo Bay’s ...

Boeing resumes 787 deliveries, starts with ANA

Eurasia News

Boeing said Tuesday it has resumed deliveries of its 787 Dream-liner aircraft, suspended since January after the airplane was grounded ...

US Navy launches its first drone from aircraft carrier

Eurasia News

The US Navy has successfully catapulted a prototype drone from an aircraft carrier on Tuesday, which is the first step ...

Russian FSB arrested third secretary of the Political Section of the American Embassy under espionage charges. U.S. State Department confirms arrest

Eurasia News

Moscow:  Russia’s counterintelligence agency claims it has caught a CIA officer trying to flip a Russian operative, DND Staff report. ...

Событийный туризм в регионах Узбекистана

Eurasia News

7 июня 2013 года, откроет свои двери древний город Хива, где будет проходить региональный туристический форум «Workshop 2013». Хива была ...