
Thousands evacuated after Moscow metro fire

Eurasia News

Moscow: Fifteen commuters were hospitalised and thousands evacuated from the Moscow metro on Wednesday after a high-voltage electric cable caught ...

Central Europe hit by deadly floods

Eurasia News

Prague: Officials across central Europe issued disaster warnings and scrambled to reinforce flood defences as rivers swelled by days of heavy ...

Over 112 dead due to in poultry factory in China

Eurasia News

Dehui, Jilin Province (China): A fire at a locked poultry slaughterhouse in northeastern China killed at least 112 people today ...

Quakes jolt Philippines, Taiwan

Eurasia News

Taipei: A series of earthquakes has jolted Taiwan, the southern Philippines and ocean depths off the Solomon Islands. At least ...

Pakistan's Ziarat Juniper Forest declared by UNESCO as the World Network of Biosphere Reserves

Eurasia News

Ziarat, Pakistan: International Coordinating Council of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) has finally declared Ziarat, Balochistan’s Juniper Forest ...