
China introduces execution for environmental offenders

Eurasia News

China has introduced “harsher punishments” for breaking the nation’s environmental protection laws: reckless violators of pollution standards in the world’s ...

Turkey announces plans ‘for gas’ and cyber security

Eurasia News

Turkey has announced plans to purchase 100,000 gas bomb cartridges and launch a central cyber security agency, local media report. ...

Indian PM announces Rs 1,000 crore aid, teams fight ‘tsunami-like’ crisis

Eurasia News

New Delhi: Destroyed roads and wrecked communication infrastructure continued to hamper rescue efforts in flood-ravaged Uttarakhand for the fifth day ...

Tired of hiding, Park Street ‘rape victim’ reveals identity

Eurasia News

Kolkata: Nearly 15 months after she was allegedly raped by five men after she stepped out of a city hotel ...

Расхождение во взглядах по проблеме ядерного разоружения между Путиным и Обамой

Eurasia News

Президент США Барак Обама находясь Берлине произнес речь в которой предложил России сократить ядерные арсеналы еще на треть, тем самым ...