
Suspended death sentence to China’s ex-rail minister

Eurasia News

A Chinese court has given former Railways Minister Liu Zhijun a suspended death sentence for corruption and abuse of power, ...

India hotel collapse kills 13

Eurasia News

A two-storey hotel collapsed in the southern Indian city of Secunderabad on Monday, killing at least 13 people and injuring ...

Более 70 человек пострадали в результате крушения поезда “Новосибирск – Адлер”

Eurasia News

“Новосибирск:  что авария произошла на перегоне Крыловская – Кисляковка. С рельсов сошли пять первых вагонов из 19. ЧП произошло около ...

Kazakhstan to reduce number of universities

Eurasia News

Almaty: Kazakhstan wants its higher education system to exemplify quality over quantity.Members of parliament in April announced plans to streamline the ...

Nigeria school massacre: 41 children killed, some burned alive

Eurasia News

41 students and an English teacher have been killed in an Islamic extremist attack on a boarding school in northeast ...