Iran will not bow to pressure to leave its nuclear rights: Khamenei

Eurasia News

TEHRAN: Iran will not retreat from its nuclear rights and will never give in to any pressure, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday, adding that Tehran’s enemies think they can bring the Iranian nation to its knees through imposing sanctions.

His statement comes the same day as the next round of talks between Iran and world six major powers over Tehran’s nuclear program begins in Geneva.

In his address to the commanders and members of the Basij volunteer force in Tehran on Wednesday, Khamenei noted that the rights of the Iranian nation including its nuclear rights must be recognized.

Khamenei said that he will not intervene directly in the details of the negotiations between Iran and the six countries. However, he said, there are red lines that the Iranian negotiators will have to observe.

The Iranian Supreme Leader said that Tehran’s enemies think they can bring the Iranian nation to its knees through imposing sanctions. He added that sanctions are one of the tools that the enemies of Iran are using to defeat the Iranian nation.