Iran and Uzbekistan have many historical, religious and cultural commonalities, says Iranian Ambassador to Uzbekistan

Eurasia News


Iran and Uzbekistan have many historical, religious and cultural commonalities, says Iran Ambassador  to Uzbekistan
Ambassador of Iran with Chief Guest Mr. Ghaniev Iliur

By Abbas Khan 

Tashkent, Uzbekistan: The Iranian Ambassador to Uzbekistan has said that Iran and Uzbekistan have many historical, religious and cultural commonalities and both are keeping their relations in best possible manners
In a speech at the official reception on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. MardaniFard Ali was of the view that presidents of both the countries are working closely for the betterment of the region. .
Some points of his speech are as follow:
1 – It is a great honor to welcome distinguished officials of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ambassadors and honored guests at the reception on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran as the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I express my sincere appreciation for your participation in this event.
2 – Iran is a country with brilliant and glorious history and civilization, young and educated population, gravitating to growth, with rich natural resources and strategic geographical location, during the fourth decade of its development after the victory of the revolution overcomes all the new frontiers of progress. According to recent statistics official data, currently 2,500 universities in the country are learning 4.5 million students. As a result, according to the influential international organizations, in 2014 Iran took the first place in the region on the development of science and 15th in the world. Iran holds the seventh place in the field of nanotechnology.

3. Other achievements in such fields as healthcare, aero-space, peaceful uses of nuclear energy and other areas were recognized around the world

4. After more than three decades, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been a stable, growing and influential country in the region and the world despite it locates in unstable region, where situation has been worsening in recent years. Our policy was always directed at assisting to establishing peace and security in the region. As we think that our security and neighboring states is indivisible.

5. Iran called for dialogue before events of 11 September and our President called for “Peace without violence and against extremism” in Iraq before ISIL emerged and carried out terrorism acts. If correct approach to solving this problem is not developed, out region will be in more trouble, while its echo will be heard around the world. We are sure that there is correct approach to solution of this important problem, but nor from outside, but based on resources and initiatives of the countries of the region, and of course, with positive and frank international cooperation.

6. Violence and terrorism spread around the world and, unfortunately, reach other points of the planet, not limiting to only one region. We should fight against them, joining our forces. History of emergency of Al-Qaida, Taliban and recently created extremism groups show that those, who use terrorism organizations against enemy countries, cannot remain unscathed by the consequences of their evil.

7. I would like briefly dwell on issues of nuclear programme. Islamic Republic of Iran, adhering to religious values, in line with national and international interests, is against production, spread and use of any weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear and chemical. The Government of Iran last year at the negotiations on nuclear programme took an initiative, which created new conditions for solving of this issue. Geneva agreement is interim achievement. If negotiating sides have enough will and enough flexibility, they can solve this issue in short period of time.

8. Iranian people demand only to respect their legal right within the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and norms of international law and believe that use of nuclear energy is integral right of all nations. Therefore, if participants of negotiations accept this position frankly, no doubt, we will achieve complex and firm agreements.

9. Iran and Uzbekistan have many historical, religious and cultural commonalities, each of which can serve as foundation for expansion of our relations. Fortunately, thanks to the well thought-out policies of the leaders of the two countries, especially Presidents, esteemed Mr. Islam Karimov and Dr. Rouhani, our countries are coordinating their actions and positively cooperate on various regional and international issues. This interaction tends to growth, which will fully meet the national interests of the two nations, as well as all the countries in the region and the world.

10. In sphere of economy: the complementarily of the two economies always attracted businessmen of the private and public sectors of our peoples to cooperation. In this respect, one can point to the advantage of transporting goods through Iran to Uzbekistan, as well as the export of Iranian goods and services to Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries.

11. The Presidents of two states met and held negotiations within the summit of the SCO heads of states in Dushanbe. In Muscat, ministers of foreign affairs of two countries met within the four-sided ministerial meeting on creation of international transport and transit corridor. On the sidelines of the session of the Prosecutor Generals of the member states and observer states of the SCO in Tashkent, the constructive negotiations were held with Prosecutor-General of Uzbekistan. The high-level delegation of Iran participated in parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan as international observers. Besides, the delegations of experts of railway organizations of two countries continued fruitful exchanges.