Iran nuclear deal: IAEA officials to arrive in Tehran on Saturday

Eurasia News

TEHRAN: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) officials will arrive in Iran on Saturday as part of the agreements the Islamic Republic reached with the six major world powers on its nuclear program, the Iranian state news agency reported on Monday, with a reference to the IAEA offical Behrouz Kamalvandi.

The IAEA official said that the parties concerned continue their talks about the inspections of the Iranian nuclear facilities.

Iran and the six world powers including the US, Britain, China, France, Russia and Germany which met in the Swiss city of Geneva recently to sort out a mechanism to put into force the landmark interim deal struck between the two sides in November, agreed to implement the Iran nuclear deal from January 20.

On November 24, Iran with the US and five other world powers struck a historic nuclear deal in Geneva to pave the way for the full resolution of the decade-old dispute over its nuclear energy program.

As part of the deal which would last for the six-month period only, the world powers agreed to lift some of the existing sanctions against Iran, in exchange for Tehran’s confidence-building bid to limit certain aspects of its nuclear activities.