Indian forces to retaliate if Pakistani forces violate ceasefire: Indian army chief

Eurasia News

NEW DELHI: The Indian army chief Bikram Singh said on Monday that the Indian forces will retaliate strongly if Pakistani forces violate the ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC).

In a press conference in New Delhi on Monday, the Indian army chief rejected allegations that the Indian Army was not retaliating strongly during ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops.

Singh said that the Indian army makes attempts to control the situation at the border and not escalate it.

If rules are followed by our neighbours, we follow them too. If rules are broken, we would not sit on it, we will break them too,” the Indian army chief said. “We will pay Pakistan back in the same coin.”

The Indian army chief also noted that the frequency of ceasefire violations have decreased ever since the meeting between the Director General Military Operations of both the countries was held at Wagha border on December 24, 2013.

Ceasefire violations have continued. Since the agreement on ceasefire violation there has been a reduction in the ceasefire violations. After that these ceasefire violations have been for infiltration bids,” Singh said.

Our forces respect the laws of Geneva Convention. We do act. Our forces retaliate is a professional way,” he added.