Germany, Brazil to move UN against NSA spying

Eurasia News

UNITED NATIONS: The governments of Germany and Brazil are planning to table an anti-spying resolution in the UN General Assembly, aiming to bringing an end to excessive spying and invasion of privacy, Dispatch News Desk reported.

The decision of drafting the resolution in the 193-nation General Assembly was made after former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed massive international surveillance programs and which drew widespread condemnation.

The leaders of both the countries – German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff – have strongly condemned the widespread snooping by the US spy agency.

Moreover, in order to seek answers from the White House on the tapping of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone, top German intelligence chiefs will go to US next week.

While Merkel has demanded that the US sign a “no-spying agreement” with Berlin and Paris by the end of the year and told President Barack Obama that “action not just apologetic words” were needed.