Chinese, Russians and Pakistanis destabilizing Afghanistan, claims Ghani

Eurasia News

Chinese, Russians and Pakistanis destabilizing Afghanistan, claims Ghani at NATO Warsaw Summit

Chinese, Russians and Pakistanis destabilizing Afghanistan, claims Ghani at NATO Warsaw Summit

Warsaw, Poland: Afghan President Ashraf Ghani during his speech at NATO Summit held in Warsaw claimed that terrorism inside Afghanistan was not home-grown rather terrorists had been coming from other countries and polluting his people who are otherwise a peaceful nation.

He held terrorists of Central Asia background, Chinese and Russian origins and Pakistanis to destroy his country.

Islamabad is annoyed with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani for holding Pakistan responsible for ongoing terrorism in Afghanistan during his speech at NATO Summit held in Warsaw. However, Ghani’s point of view was powerfully registered by NATO members as well as Polish media.

Ghani has been criticising Pakistan for injecting terrorism in his country but Pakistan avoids to rebut such allegations and keeps trying for good relations witrh Ghani and this situation indicates that allegations leveled by Ghani are not unfounded and Pakistan could be involved in helping Taliban to destabilise Afghan government because Pakistan always considers Afghanistan as its backyard.

Ghani in his speech categorically said that Pak-Afghan relations are in shamble while Pakistan believes that it enjoys very friendly relations with brotherly Muslim state of Afghanistan.

Ghani said:

Our regional initiatives with neighbors are beginning to yield significant cooperative dividends. The exception is with Pakistan–despite clear commitments to a quadrilateral peace process, their dangerous distinction between good and bad terrorists is being maintained in practice.  The key problem among our neighboring states is an absence of agreed rules of the game, thus we seek regional and global support in creating those rules, which will bind us to collective security and harmony”.

Ghani appreciated Arab-Muslim community, NATO, America and United Kingdom in his speech. Meanwhile he raised doubts for Russia, China and Pakistan for not helping Afghanistan to snub terrorists of their origins.

He said:

“Peace is our highest national priority.  Reaching peace, however, requires understanding the nature of the war imposed upon us.  The conflict is multi-dimensional, ranging from Al-Qaeda and Daesh to terrorist groups with Central Asian, Chinese, and Russian origins, to Pakistani groups classified as terrorists by Pakistan and Afghan Taliban groups.   Because these groups pose a threat to the region, the Islamic community and the world at large, we have devoted significant efforts to achieve cooperation regionally and within the Islamic community to defeat these groups.

Our regional initiatives with neighbors are beginning to yield significant cooperative dividends. The exception is with Pakistan–despite clear commitments to a quadrilateral peace process, their dangerous distinction between good and bad terrorists is being maintained in practice.  The key problem among our neighboring states is an absence of agreed rules of the game, thus we seek regional and global support in creating those rules, which will bind us to collective security and harmony.  The discussions within the Arab-Muslim community have also been productive, especially the 2015 Mecca declaration against terrorism”.

“Ghani was successful to get more financial as well as military support from NATO and went to his country as a victorious statesman”, comment one diplomat when asked to comment over Ghani speech.