Car blast kills several UN peacekeepers in northern Mali

Eurasia News

BAMAKO, Mali: Several members of the United Nation peacekeeping mission were killed and injured when a car filled with explosives detonated in northern Mali on Saturday morning, a spokesman for the mission said.

The explosion took place in the troubled northern Mali city of Kidal, 1,600 kilometers northeast of the capital Bamako.

“There was an explosion this morning and the info I have is that there were several dead and wounded among the blue helmets,” the spokesman Fred Fath told a foreign news agency.

The spokesman said that a car filled with explosives detonated in front of a bank guarded by the UN, adding that the explosion was so great it blew open the doors of houses in the area.

Moreover, an eye witness said that following the blast bank crumbled, a UN armored personnel car caught fire, and a nearby school was in flames.