Canadian ISL soldier urges more terrorists attacks in Canada

Eurasia News

For Canada with Threat —Newly-released footage shows a Canadian national instigating his compatriots to carry out lone-wolf attacks in Canada

Monitoring Desk: There was time that West was busy in Syrian spree— indirectly encouraging youth to reach Syria to help anti-Assad forces. Turkey had been the gateway for this spree as being a NATO ally. Now the table is turned.

Canadian ISL soldier urges more terrorists attacks in Canada



A new footage shows a Canadian national, who has joined the Takfiri ISIL group, instigating his compatriots to carry out lone-wolf attacks in the country. This man in footage is John Maguire, who left Canada to join the Salafi/Wahabi/Takfiri group in January 2013 against Assad regime.

Now he is urging more attacks on Canadian targets in a six-minute video that has been released by ISIS/ISL terrorist group on Sunday.

23 year old Abu Anwar al-Canadi  (from Canada) warns his country that its coalition with US will result in revenge attacks in the country.


Maguire makes reference to two previous attacks on Canadian security forces by Martin Couture-Rouleau and Michael Zehaf-Bibeau in October and urges his countrymen to follow them as their examples.


It may be mentioned that Couture-Rouleau was shot dead by police after he ran down two soldiers, with his vehicle near a military compound in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Michael (Joseph) Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, killed Canadian Army Corporal Nathan Cirillo at the National War Memorial before storming the parliament building in Ottawa before being gunned down by security forces.

The Canadian government has made no direct comment on the video and has neither verified nor denied its authenticity.