Bulgaria and Azerbaijan decided to collaborate for Trans-Anatolia Pipeline project

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Bulgaria and Azerbaijan decided to collaborate for Trans-Anatolia Pipeline project

Monitoring Desk: Sophia, Bulgaria: Bulgaria and Azerbaijan decided to collaborate for Trans-Anatolia Pipeline project.

The decision was announced during the meeting of Azerbaijani President with Bulgarian president in Sophia.

According to Bulgarian media, Presidents of Azerbaijan and Bulgaria Ilham Aliyev and Rosen Plevneliev signed an agreement of strategic partnership Trans-Anatolia Pipeline (TANAP) project.

Both countries will cooperate to build and utilize Trans-Anatolia Pipeline (TANAP) project while the project of Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) also came under discussion.

The Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) is a natural gas pipeline project from Azerbaijan through Turkey to Europe. It will be a central part of the Southern Gas Corridor, which will connect the giant Shah Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan to Europe through the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP), TANAP and the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP).

This project is of strategic importance for both Azerbaijan and Turkey. It will allow first Azerbaijani gas exports to Europe, beyond Turkey. It will also strengthen the role of Turkey as a regional energy hub.

The pipeline will start from Sangachal terminal and in territory of Azerbaijan it will be the expansion of existing South Caucasus Pipeline (SCPx). From end point of SCPx which is in Erzurum it will be continued to Eskishehir where it will unload 6bcm of gas entitled to Turkish buyers. From Turkey-Greece border it will continue through Greece, Albania and will end in Italy.  The exact route of the pipeline is not clear. However, it was announced that one branch from Turkey would go to Greece and the other to Bulgaria. It would be connected with Trans Adriatic Pipeline.