Ashraf Ghani holds Pakistan responsible for terrorism

Eurasia News

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Ghani again holds Pakistan responsible for terrorism inside Afghanistan

Ghani again holds Pakistan responsible for terrorism inside Afghanistan
Ashraf Ghani again holds Pakistan responsible for terrorism inside Afghanistan

Ashraf Ghani again holds Pakistan responsible for terrorism inside Afghanistan

By Syed Raza

London, UK: Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has claimed that terrorism in his country comes from Pakistan.

He further claimed that he had shared information with Pakistan Army leadership about terrorist outfits working inside Pakistan against Afghanistan but no action was taken against Taliban and terrorists harbouring inside Pakistan.

He further claimed that Pakistan was responsible for bad law and order situation of Afghanistan as Taliban leadership was sponsored by Pakistani establishment.

Addressing here on Thursday at RUSI Whitehall of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), Ashraf Ghani faced serious objection from a group of Hazara students present in the hall who called him “Liar” but RUSI administration took them out of hall.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani blamed Pakistan for promoting terrorism in the region and said that Pak-Afghan relations were facing stress situation because according to him Pakistan was not ready to stop support of Taliban presently engaged in defeating Afghan forces from South to North of Pakistan.

It may be mentioned that RUSI is an independent think tank working in London. According to its website, it was founded in 1831 by the Duke of Wellington and it embodies nearly two centuries of forward thinking, free discussion and careful reflection on defence and security matters.

RUSI invited Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to speak about regional situation and situation inside Afghanistan. Title of his address was “Fifth Wave of Political Violence”. Ghani without answering questions related with presence of terrorist outfit Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) inside Afghanistan, had been bashing Pakistan for all disasters Afgahnistan is facing under his leadership. It may be mentioned that he was invited at the groundbreaking ceremony of regional project CASA1000 in Dushanbe in Tajikistan but he preferred to attend RUSI event and sent Abdullah Abdullah for CASA1000 groundbreaking ceremony.

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