ARY News defaming national institutions, says PEMRA

Eurasia News

ARY News defaming national institutions, says PEMRA

ARY News involved defaming national institutions, says PEMRA

Islamabad, Pakistan: Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has found ARY News involved defaming national institutions in its talk show “The Reporters” anchored by Sami Ibrahim.

PEMRA served a notice to Channel on Friday that indicates the channel is involved in criminal act of violating section 29 and 30 of amended PEMRA Act 2007. Notice warns strict action against ARY News if it does not stop violations of the rules and regulations.

Warning letter cited more two episodes of “The Reporters” in which national institutions were maligned by giving impression that there were differences among the political and military leadership.

Notices cited episodes those were broadcasted on February 11 and February 9.

It may be mentioned that PEMRA already gave notice to ARMY about another episode of another program before placing fresh notice to ARY News.

PEMRA believes that ARY is involved in a journalism that is clear violation of the code of conduct implemented on the directives of Supreme Court of Pakistan.

The PEMRA letter indicates that host (Sami Ibrahim) and his companions raise sensitive matters in a very unprofessional manner and give analysis that are contrary to facts. Moreover participants use derogatory language which is against professional ethics of journalism.

PEMRA questions internal editorial monitoring committee of the Channel and also says that the channel has also not installed the delayed-telecast system to check content before it goes on air.

It may be mentioned that “The Reporters” in its episode of February 11, 2016 claimed that the leadership of Pakistan Army is denied financial resources it needs to continue its operation against terrorism namely Zarb-e-Azb while PMLN led government is spending money on road and metro bus projects and priority of government was not peace in the country.

“The Reporters” in its another episode discussed promotion process of officials within Army ranks and such issues can not be discussed on media under a clear direction of Supreme Court of Pakistan and PEMRA rules.