1st International Economic Forum Tajikistan ”Investment Opportunities in the Pamir” on August 30

Eurasia News

1st International Economic Forum Tajikistan ”Investment Opportunities in the Pamir”

In this setting, the 1st International Economic Forum Tajikistan will bring together a cross section of policy makers, key government officials, private sector leaders, representatives of international organizations and top corporate personnel in the country to discuss a strategy to effectively position of the Pamir in the global economy and to show the business opportunities in the Free Economic Zone of Ishkashim.

The Forum is your ultimate platform to gain a comprehensive understanding of the countries economy, the investment climate and the diverse opportunities available for investors and businessmen. It also brings together the top corporate leadership of the country and the region with government officers and other stakeholders to one platform providing a great networking opportunity on tourism sector.

The Official Partner Country for 2013 will be the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Read full schedule of event to click this link