Delhi: Eid Milad-un-Nabi the birth of Prophet Muhammad is being celebrated all over the world. Traditionally, Sunni scholars have approved celebration of Mawlid-un-Nabi, the exception being Wahhabi and Salafi scholars, who are against celebrating birth of Muhammad as they believe that Muhammad (PBUH) just came as messenger of Allah and he himself has no important for Islam or Allah. Saudi Arabia is the only country on earth where Muslims can not celebrate this event due to ban on celebrations. Markets, shops, houses and road were illuminated in almost every area of India where Muslims live.
In the Muslim world, the majority of Islamic scholars are in favor of Mawlid. They consider observing Mawlid necessary or permissible in Islam, and see it as a praiseworthy event and positive development, while the Ahl al-Hadith say it is an improper innovation and forbid its celebration. One of the most acceptable leader of Salafiyyun, Ibn Taymiyya forbade Mawlid celebration.
The word Milad has been derived from “viladut” which means birth. Therefore, according to Arabic language, Milad is word which signifies the place and time of birth. In the light of Shariah, we means, Milad is to remember the events which took place at the birth time of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) and we get the opportunity of narrating the Seerat of the Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) on this occasion, we also presents the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) gifts of Durood -o- salam. We mention before the people attributes and praises of the Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him). We do not believe that Milad is specified with same night but, we believe that the remembrance of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is incumbent in each minute and second of time and every Muslim should act it sunnahs in the whole life time. Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is a great source of preaching. It is incumbent for scholars to teach Muslims nations on this Holy occasion, moral behavior of the Holy Prophet, (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) his antiquates, His affairs, His Seerat, His dealings and His worships.