ISLAMABAD: US drone attacks in Pakistan since 2004 killed 3,428 people, says New America Foundation in its latest report. It revealed that in the 370 US drone attacks carried out during 2004 to 2013 in Pakistan, 2,787 terrorists and 307 innocent people were killed while 334 such people lost their lives whose identity – whether they were terrorists or innocent people – could not be ascertained. Year 2010 was the worst in killing as 849 persons were killed in strikes.
Year – number of people killed in drone attacks
2013 – 153
2012 – 306
2011 – 517
2010 – 849
2009 – 549
2008 – 298
2007 – 63
2006 – 94
2005 – 15
2004 – 7
The report further said that during the tenure of US President Barack Obama, 2,672 people were killed in drone attacks on Pakistan’s territory, while 477 were killed when George Walker Bush was the president of the United States.
Moreover, it said that the highest number of drone attacks were conducted in North Waziristan agency, whereas Orakzai Agency witnessed the least number of drone attacks.