Best Seasons of South Park that Will Make You Roll with Laughters

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South Park is the best and longest-running season of all time. A light-hearted comedy show that mocked the Clintons in the 90s to humorously showcase the pandemic situation. This is a season that has been in action for more than two decades. But, fans still love it as new. Almost all the seasons are the best seasons of South Park. There is no other show that could compete with the longevity of South Park. Although The Simpsons are quite famous, it, too, could not match the stance. 

Best seaons of South parkThe consistency in the content is not the same throughout the seasons. But, it has managed to remain in talks since the beginning. There have been some ups and downs but it never failed to provide an insightful view of life. Like Simpsons, it also deals with the regular and real-time issues in a disguised way. There is a pun, mockery, a satire of the politics and cultural issues without offending any particular segment of the society. 

There are a total of 24 best seasons of South Park. Only two episodes of the twentieth four seasons have come on air. Both of them turned out to be great successes. The recent season is dealing with the pandemic crisis. There is a hilarious dramatization of the pandemic in the first two episodes named, “The Pandemic Special” and the “South ParQ Vaccination Special.” The rest of the episodes will soon come for you to check. Till then, you can relive the humor in the past seasons. 

Here is an overview of each of the best seasons of South Park from the average to the best.

Best seasons of South ParkSeason 20 

The makers experimented with serialization in the 20th season but it did not go as successful. It had the traditional humor but lacked the content that South Park is famous for. Fans did not appreciate it to the extent of other seasons. 

Season 21

Season 21 of South Park had a lot going on in it. It was filled with political correctness including issues like the #MeToo movement, Columbus Day, White People Renovating Houses, and many others. All of these topics made the season worth watching. 

Season 1

Season 1 of South Park did not show as much as it did in the later seasons. Although, it produces some of the best episodes like “Cartsman Gets An Anal Probe” and ” Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo” but it gained the all-favorite standard in the next seasons. It dealt with a story of four boys in school but it needed something more. At this point, South Park required time to have strength on the grounds. 

Season 2

Season 2 of South Park went through improvements. But, it still needed time to become the best and long-lasting show. It got criticism because the first episode of season 2 did not go with the continuity from the last episode of season 1.

Season 15

Season 15 of South Park covered the stories of Apple’s iPad and the latest happenings of that time. The most interesting episode was ‘Sushi City’. The mispronunciation of the word Sushi made the South Park fans laugh. 

It was quite boring for the new viewers of South Park because it involved some references from previous seasons. 

Season 12

South Park’s 12th season marked the stories of the global recession. It also includes parodies to famous novels like The Grapes of Wrath, Twilight, and the film, Heavy Metal. There is also an episode titled, ‘Pandemic’ which deals with the invasion of guinea pigs. 

Season 16

Season 16 was not a big success but provided a few unforgettable episodes that were too hilarious for the audience. The episode “I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining” depicted the show ‘I Should Not Be Alive’ and became a success. “A Nightmare on Face Time”, “Reverse Cowgirl”, and “Faith Hailing’ are some of the memorable episodes. The rest of them could not attract fans.

Season 19

Season 19 of South Park was a success because of its political correctness. The show dealt with real-time satire on the political issues and situations which made their way to success.

Season 5

This season has one of the best episodes of South Park. “Scott Tenorman Must Die” is the most famous episode of the show. The other episodes are “Cartman Land”, “The Entity,” “Here Comes The Neighborhood,” “Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants,” “Kenny Dies,” and “Butters Very Own Episode.” 

Season 3

On 15th rank comes Season 3 which has some popular episodes like “Cat Orgy”, “Worldwide Recorder Concert,” “Chinpokomon” All of these depict political and cultural satire.

Season 17

Almost every episode of this season was for the sake of some political and cultural correctness. The episode “Let Go, Let Gov” was about the conspiracy about NSA. “World War Zimmerman” was a parody of World War Z. “Ginger Cow” brought political and religious peace to the world. 

Season 4

I was wondering how the animated show would continue to have such great success.  It introduced fan-favorite characters like Timmy and Ms. Choksondik. Their appearance is as enjoyable even to this day as it was in the beginning. 

Season 23

Although seasons earlier than this one had lost the focused approach. But, the focus returned with the airing of season 23. The episodes concentrated on ventures of Marijuana. It mocked modern-day American politics and Hollywood’s interest in Chinese markets.

Season 7

It deals with some big issues front the world Iraq War and heterosexuality around the world in the episodes like “This World is Gay” and “I’m a Little Bit Country” The season had a perfect blend of political correctness and humor in the episodes.

Season 18

South Park’s season 18 kept the sequence of season 17. The characters went through the narrative style. The storytelling played an important role in this season. The characters inspired and entertained the viewers. 

Season 24

There are only two episodes of Season 24 up till now. But, those two episodes have blasted the ratings for the seasons because of the hilarious depiction of Pandemic. Both episodes deal with the pandemic situation in the country. This hilarious picturization is a relief in these hard times.

Season 11

Season 11 answers some of the cultural questions. Why do things happen the way they do? You can get the answers this season. IT also showed Hillary Clinton’s political story.

Season 14

This season has some hilarious standalone comedies that parodied the current trends. The episode “Insheeption ” is a parody of the movie inception. “ Medicinal Fried Chicken” is a hilarious replacement for the fast-food chain KFC. There are much more appealing episodes in this season.

Season 22

South Park fans sensed that the show was losing its true spirit in recent years. But, the spirit came back with the 22nd episode. It has a light-hearted serialized narrative with a good mixture of characters. The characters create a perfect balance to showcase the societal targets.

Season 9

This season has some of the best character-centered episodes like  “The Death of Eric Cartman,” the Butters-centric “Marjorine,” and the Jimmy-centric “Erection Day,” It also had a global warming episode and a same-sex marriage in episodes like “Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow” and “Follow that Egg” 

The season also had a humorous sports episode where the boys try to lose the basketball game so they do not have to play in the summers.

Season 6

South Park’s Season 6 had a blend of current affairs-based satires and character-focused episodes. The fans could not resist laughing out loud while watching the season.

Season 10

Season 10 is one of the best seasons of South Park. Even after a lot of years, fans still love to watch some episodes like World of Warcraft, Cartoon wars, A Million Little fibers. 

Season 13

We have rated Season 13 as the second-best season of South Park. There are episodes like “Redbeard,” “Dead Celebrities,” “Whale Whores,” “Butter’s Bottom B*******,” “Fishsticks,” and “”Pee.” All of these episodes are hilarious and make you go crazy while laughing.

Season 8

Season 8 was a powerpack that did not have a single weak episode. All episodes had strong ratings and everyone loved it. The topics are Mel Gibson Centric, Anime inspired, the timeless ever-green political satire, and the holiday special. All these episodes blend to make season 8  the best season of South Park.